Jan 11, 2023 | Nutritional Information
Everyone knows how important it is to take a prenatal vitamin when you’re pregnant – but how do you choose one? Which nutrients are the most important, and in what quantities? Are there additional nutrients not offered in a prenatal that are vital in pregnancy?
Jan 5, 2023 | Nutritional Information
Most people know that once you get pregnant, you need to start supplementing with a prenatal multivitamin. But did you know that you can optimize your fertility by focusing on specific nutrients in your diet?
Nov 13, 2022 | Nutritional Information
Skin Series 3: Eczema Treatment today is majorly lacking for eczema. So many parents are struggling with treating their child’s chronic eczema, often with topical steroid applications which are basically bandaid solutions to a never-ending problem. Eczema, also...
Nov 3, 2022 | Nutritional Information
Skin Series 2: Nutrients for Acne Everyone deals with pimples at some point in their life – you might have had one or two as a teenager or might be struggling with chronic acne now. It’s an extremely common skin condition, affecting almost 20% of the Canadian...
Oct 22, 2022 | Nutritional Information
Skin Series 1: Healthy Aging Skin As we age, our skin does as well. People all over the world spend a lot of money to reverse or mask fine lines and wrinkles, which are two signs of aging. Over time, our skin goes through changes as a result of our lifestyle. How much...
Sep 30, 2022 | Nutritional Information
Alopecia Awareness Month Everyone and their dog has seen “the slap” at this point – the infamous smack that landed Will Smith in quite a bit of hot water with popular culture. He was defending his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, during the Oscars after Chris...